Showing posts with label doubts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label doubts. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Finding Answers

questions- many of them we ask ourselves during the course of our lives, some we find answers to and some go unanswered. some questions are answered by other people - our teachers, friends, parents, mentors- and  to some questions answer come themselves - with time.

now the question here is how do we know, what question will be answered in what way? either we go to people and ask for answers, or wait for the answers to present themselves. how long should we wait, who is the right person to ask for answers, how do we know if the answer is correct or not?

a single question is never satisfied with a single answer. one question have numerous answers, and only one of those answers is the correct answer!

in my experience - the correct answers present themselves with time. even if you have stopped looking for the answer and have satisfied yourself with a make believe answer, the correct answer will always hit home!

and sometimes the answers come so late that they have stopped making a difference to you! but is it ever late to find answers to any of your questions. again in my experience - NO. it is never late to find an answer because unanswered questions eat your peace of mind! making the life difficult and one's brain anxious! the most unanswered questions start with the word 'why', all of us wants to know the reason for the things that are happening to us and around us. some of purely scientific phenomenon, kids ask these questions a lot - why does it rain? why is the sky blue? etc and the grown ups ask questions that are more mythical in nature, why do i exist? why did this happen to me?

doubts are questions too, doubts start with questioning one's ability and motivation for doing this? why am i doing this? am i doing this right? what is in it for me? and much more. who will answer these questions for us? no one! just time!!!! and time is a tough teacher, it answers when we have stopped looking for answers. but still when the answers presents themselves to us, it is like a beginning of a new day, a dawn of new era. it ends the monotony of life, making is bright and colorful!

so to all those, who have questions, keep asking them, but don't doubt yourself! the answers will certainly come!


The Integration Tables

Hi,  From the depths of a corporate office, where I write SQL queries for a living. When I was studying data warehousing and business intell...