The answer is very simple, I do it because it was the first thing that I learnt to complete. First thing to teach me the importance of sitting still and doing a project because until it was done it will not be visible. It made me fall in love with the repeated motion of putting in the needle and getting it out of the fabric. It made me feel that i could do things on my own - IT taught me patience with things!
Last year was the 20th year of my cross stitching. And it was exhilarating, exciting, I got to celebrate it by finding a new job and being unable to complete my 200 pictures goal, but never mind. Picture below is my first framed cross stitched picture.
It is a very childish and basic picture, but it is where i started from. My mother used to mark me the squares to stitch on, back then i couldn't count the graph :) Just thinking about that time makes me smile . . .
I wanted to get rid of it but my mother put her foot down and kept it :). I can't be thankful enough for that.
So I am still planning to complete my 200 pictures mark. Just need to find some time.