Sunday, October 16, 2016

I Changed My Mind

Few years back it would have been hard for me to claim something and then let go of it, even if it was difficult to fulfill, live up to and continue or carry on. I would have died of shame and the feeling of failure. I could not claim something and not live up to my claim. that was simply not doable.

But with growing old has taught me that it's alright to go back on your word. I read somewhere that "Don't cling to a mistake just because you spent a lot of time making it", and that rang a bell somewhere deep inside and resonated with what I felt. Now i believe that it is alright to go back on your word - not as in breaking the promise, but as in not living up to your claims - we all believe in things at different times in life. We all believe that there are things that are achievable and the things that if we didn't have them we will die and will not be able to exist or that our existence will be meaningless, but then you grow up and things change and circumstances change and then those things do not matter. Then it's alright to get away from whatever you claimed on a whim at a certain moment in your life. Let go and live and make other claims and try to live; and if you make the same mistake again, doesn't matter - you can repeat the entire process.

You don't have to feel ashamed or defeated or like a loser for not having, or doing or achieving whatever you thought you could and no one in this world has a right to mock you or for you to pay any heed to such people. Go ahead and do something else. The world is full of possibilities!



The Integration Tables

Hi,  From the depths of a corporate office, where I write SQL queries for a living. When I was studying data warehousing and business intell...