Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Why do we stay?

in the normal world, you are advised to leave people alone when they ask to be left alone. when they are busy and are doing seemingly important work. When they tell you to go away, you should go away. When they don't want to talk. You are told to go away and leave people alone.

but then we don't. We stay when are told to leave and talk when no one wants to listen to and when our words are deemed useless and not needed. we stay and talk.

because in your stupid anger tantrum, and busy schedule you might not want to say what you say. you might need help and can't ask for it. you might want the company and solace of lunatics. and you are too busy to realize that. you might be are too arrogant to ask for it. You might be a total pusillanimous to ask at all.

So we the unegoist; the shameless; and whatever you think of us - stay! we stay to go through with you whatever you are going through. we stay to comfort you and protect you from your own madness and your craze for destroying yourself by burying yourself in too much work and ego!

that's why we stay. you could always tell us to leave, but we will stay!


Friday, September 4, 2015

How Do I Do It?

People often ask me, after looking at my cross stitched pictures, how do I do it?
The answer is very simple, I do it because it was the first thing that I learnt to complete. First thing to teach me the importance of sitting still and doing a project because until it was done it will not be visible. It made me fall in love with the repeated motion of putting in the needle and getting it out of the fabric. It made me feel that i could do things on my own - IT taught me patience with things!

Last year was the 20th year of my cross stitching. And it was exhilarating, exciting, I got to celebrate it by finding a new job and being unable to complete my 200 pictures goal, but never mind. Picture below is my first framed cross stitched picture.

It is a very childish and basic picture, but it is where i started from. My mother used to mark me the squares to stitch on, back then i couldn't count the graph :) Just thinking about that time makes me smile . . .

I wanted to get rid of it but my mother put her foot down and kept it :). I can't be thankful enough for that. 

So I am still planning to complete my 200 pictures mark. Just need to find some time. 


Bringing Change - One Experiment at a time!

I came to know about Ilm jo Sojhro back in 2011 through a student of mine. Her mother used to volunteer there. Ilm jo Sojhro is a charity school that cater to the poorest class of our society. It is a primary school during day and a vocational training center in the evenings for adults and whoever is interested!


the school was started by Shahana Bhurgri in her courtyard a long time back and then they kept growing and moving until they stopped where they are! It is an amazing place, I felt that something good was coming out of it.

They have done various things, summer camps for students, eid celebrations, diwali celebrations, azadi celebrations, mango festivals and what not! They take their students to picnics, to places that I have not even seen, beaches, lakes, ancient sites, museums ... They are fun people to be with.

their latest idea is "LoppeMarkeder" the second hand market. Funds is needed for running of everything, even a charity school and this is a wonderful idea of collecting funds and giving people a sense of ownership and building their self respect. It works like this . . . the school sends requests for used things - clothes, shoes, accessories, crockery, utensils, furniture, old bags, toys - anything that you don't need or people around you don't need. and they put a price tag on it, starting from Rs 10 going till 1500 - depending on the condition of the item and then they are displayed at a pre-announced time in the school premises on the holidays and everyone from around - those who can't afford anything, those who can't afford to buy new things and those who need help but can't ask for it - and let the shopping begin. The result: The people get what they want in the range they could afford and the school gets to collect the funds it needs to run itself.

Such a win win situation. the one that leaves everyone happy  :D


The Integration Tables

Hi,  From the depths of a corporate office, where I write SQL queries for a living. When I was studying data warehousing and business intell...