Yes, I am a,mouse! Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
It is not what the mouse said, rather the way mouse said it that I find highly amusing. I smirk at people's ability to state the obvious or reiterate the established fact more than it is necessary to. Or assume things about you, or just simply tell you what you already know about yourself.
In my case it is my name ~ sugandh ~ beautiful or not, it was highly unusual in my part of the world, when I was young people would gape at me, trust me I did nothing to have this name. When I grew up, they would tell me that how unusual my name was. How utterly impossible to pronounce and spell [inwardly rolling eyes] after listening to it for a I-forgot-count-times I told one of my colleagues that (somewhat haughtly) that there is nothing difficult about my name, I have been using it since I was a child. [This still amuses me]
So yeah. I have an uncommon, different name and no I am not a non Muslim either.
When we move ahead, it is my habits - cross stitching, knitting, reading - there is nothing wrong with these [they are not my hobbies, they make an essential part of my day, like brushing teeth, so habits]
So yeah, I knit and I am not old. BTW people just imagine that older women get the skill by revelation or osmosis, it need to be learnt.
And then I hear the golden statement : you only read books, what do you know about reality? Trust me, I know more than u can imagine I know!
Well, always remember that a well read woman is a dangerous creature. And the quietest of the readers can have the loudest imagination.
And even after reading all this, you tell me anything similar, all I can say - all that the mouse said:
You people have no imagination!
Have a good day!