Wednesday, February 29, 2012

the title less post

i am writing this post because i wanted to write something on 29th feb, the leap year, because i'll not get the chance for four years aur kaun jeeta hai teri zulf ke sar honay tak!

so this is a useless post with nothing of substance in it [as if others have got something in them!!!] so well, i have this job, and i am doing this degree, and i have got loads of hobbies, and nice friends, who listen to me at any time i feel like complaining or whining. there is nothing much to complaint about in life.

i haven't seen news for past 3 weeks i guess so i dunno what is happening in the country or the world. someone please update me!

well nothing else!!!!

if i'll never get married because i read books and speak my mind! do i care? no, i don't :)
there is a story behind it - that will make the subject of another post :P


Sunday, February 26, 2012

nobody is to blame!!!

ok i m a head strong woman!!! i don't really care for anyone, for example, what people will say or think or what will happen as the result of something that i m about to do. trust me, i hardly hear an advice, i am very rude to people who think good for me, as i think i am perfectly capable of thinking my own good! i was brought up really nicely, in a perfectly decent way, but then i was me.

the reason i just told you this, is because if in future i do something foolish, outrageous, racist, unislamic,  unethical, whatever, i am solely to be held responsible, not my parents, sister, brothers, extended family, God, Islam, Prophet(P.B.U.H), humanity, society and who ever u can think of!!!!

it is just me who is crazy. not everyone who knows me, or knew me, or is going to know me in future. so stop emotionally blackmailing me that because of me the world is going to go to hell!!!!!


what i m doing...

so the things have ended up being like this.
i am sick!!! [usual flu and all]
i have lost my motivation to do research based course
i hate one of my teachers
i resent my job!!!!
i so don't wanna give up and i am not going to give up!!!!!!!
but when people were busy inventing new things and coming up with brilliant ideas, all i was doing was watching movies and knitting!!!!
go figures...


Thursday, February 16, 2012

Sounds of a Morning

mornings are such beautiful things, they make me smile, they give me hope! every day i wake up, i think i have got one more day to make things right, to try. mornings are like hope, they come back every day :). i look at people going to work, children going to school, shopkeepers opening their shops ~ no matter how bad a day they had yesterday, but we all come back every morning, hoping that everything will be alright today.

there are so many sounds that i hear every morning, like that of alarm clock, of running water, or dragging feet, of toothbrush rubbing against teeth, rustling of clothes, toaster, tick tick of stove lighter, microwave's beep beep, stirring of spoon in a mug, gurgle of coffee being drank, car starting, horns of cars and cycles, buses! news paper boys :D

opening and closing of doors

and the sweetest sound of all ~ good morning miss :)

is that of my students.

mornings are the great stuff

enjoy everyone and g'mornin'

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

more pictures!!!

in the library in college

in the principal's office at my new job!!! i asked her if i can take a picture!!!

in the principal's office at my new job!!! i asked her if i can take a picture!!!

The Integration Tables

Hi,  From the depths of a corporate office, where I write SQL queries for a living. When I was studying data warehousing and business intell...