don't read this post, if you are too sensitive...
a muslim cleric somewhere in the world thinks that women shouldn't touch bananas or cucumbers because they might make them think of men's penis...
what the fuck!!!???? what does he think? women are as uncontrollable as men???
i feel like beating him up. this is how they represent Islam to the world. who already think that we are barbaric and inhuman!!!!
the man must be sick, or out of his mind. the public is laughing, calling Islam as sex obsessed religion!!!
this is not how it is suppose to be!!!!!
a muslim cleric somewhere in the world thinks that women shouldn't touch bananas or cucumbers because they might make them think of men's penis...
what the fuck!!!???? what does he think? women are as uncontrollable as men???
i feel like beating him up. this is how they represent Islam to the world. who already think that we are barbaric and inhuman!!!!
the man must be sick, or out of his mind. the public is laughing, calling Islam as sex obsessed religion!!!
this is not how it is suppose to be!!!!!